What a glorious, relaxing, stress-reducing, family-appreciating, sun-shining, healthy-eating, running, golfing, swimming, laughing, biking, shopping, book-reading, winter-breaking vacation.
The immediate transition back has been rather pleasant as well. I planned to put my winter leggings on when we were getting ready to leave Dallas - but I ran out of time of sorts. I expected to freeze my freshly-tanned, flesh-exposed legs when we deplaned in Jackson. Instead, the air was a welcomed treat. In fact, the whole process was a welcomed treat.
As we were landing, the worm moon was just rising over the Gros Ventre. The drive home was the kind you never forget. The kind that people that have never left the east coast cannot comprehend. It had obviously been warm the couple of days before we got back. All the snow on the pass had a spring crust on the top. It glimmered and shined under the brightness of the full moon. It was both peaceful and invigorating at the same time.
Critter woke up at 5:00am ready to rock and party (she was certainly still on east coast time). I got her up and we rode into town to the coffee shop. We chilled with our homies for a while and welcomed in out first Wyoming sunrise in a week.
The temperature was in the 50's...a far cry from the -3 degrees we left a week ago, but not terribly far from the high 70's we experienced in southern Florida. After wrapping up some work this afternoon, I loaded Critter up in her fancy Chariot and hooked her up to my trusty ride. Rode my bike through the hood in the sunshine with Critter giggling all the while behind me. Got two Jeopardy! matches in, and rode back to our cabin. Had birthday dinner celebration with our dear friends, read a book with Daddio to Critter, and tucked her in to bed.
Going away on a family vacation is an incredibly terrific treat, coming home to life with my family is an equally incredible treat.
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