Got tons done around the casa while I waited for the departure time. Lubed up the bikes and pumped fresh air into the tires. Mounted our trusty steers and headed east. No clouds in the sky and wind at our backs. Way out to the horses was downhill all the way. Had to travel slightly beyond the horses to a place where we could cross the river. I was grumpy with myself for not bringing my camera. The last mile was on a muddy dirt road that ran between the river and the badlands. Violet Vixen was out in front and rode right up to the herd of horses. Woulda been a sweet photo.
I broke out immediately and I didn't even touch a horse. I decided not to get any closer for fear of what else might happen, so I sauntered down to the river bank and got in a quick yoga session. Felt good since it had been a while since I've sat in my bike saddle for so long. Am going to search the world wide web tonight for pregnancy bike shorts!
Ride back was equally perfect. Slight uphill and slight breeze.
Chatted the whole way back with VV. Talked about getting the right stuff for this phase of life. VV wants to plan and prepare for the perfect saddle. I spent a couple years before I buckled down to purchase my perfect bicycle. I mentioned it is important to have exactly what you want and can afford right now - we are in our prime. VV questioned that statement.
"Really...we are in our prime right now?"
Kind of we are. I mean I think I'll peak at 62...but each and every day between now and then will be my prime. There will never be any time in my past that produced a better me (all around, that is). I plan to just keep on growing.
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