Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Leap Day Eve

Tomorrow is Leap Day.

It is my favorite holiday – has been since elementary school.

Oh how I wished and wished that my birthday fell on leap day…or that I’d have a child born on that extra-special spare day that only comes to grace us every four years.

No such luck on either accounts…  I think initially my young-nerdy-self was blown away by the math of it. I thought it was incredible that some people out there that walk among us, had the wisdom to understand the need for a supplemental 24 hour day every four years.

I certainly have never understood why it is not an International Holiday. How can you possibly be expected to work or get on with your ordinary, mundane tasks when you are granted this extraordinary bonus day? Shouldn’t we all be out celebrating together? Rejoicing with the fact that February 29 is unique and magnificent, and without it the world as we know it, and time as we have defined it, simply would not be the same.
Mungbean and Rocket as if they were headed to the secret high-mountain-meadow Super-Hero Conference

For the past 12 years, I have had this master plan of a secret meeting of all the Super-Heros I’ve come across in my little life. I reckoned I’d be sending out self-destructing invitations to select individuals and they would all turn up for the big event. I thought it would take place in a big snow-filled meadow high in the mountains. I’d go up the week before and dig out a monster snow cave and igloo and we’d all spend the night. Somehow, in my vision, Leap Day always seems to coincide with a full-moon.  Last Leap Day could have been perfect – it fell on a Saturday…but I had just bought my first cabin and threw a Housewarming Hulabaloo instead. I figured we’d just tackle it in 2012.

What it was supposed to look like...sigh

Well, now it is 2012 and I have a wee Critter and am incubating a Sprout and could not possibly participate in the kind of debauchery and hedonism I expected to take place after the meeting adjourned and we succeeded in solving all of the world’s problems.

So, since life took a turn on me…what to do with LEAP DAY 2012?
I’ve got to work.
I’ve got to pack.
I’ve got to do a trillion menial tasks that I do everyday… LAME-A-ROO!!!

How am I going to spend and celebrate this extra-special, spare, superfluous day that totally trumps Groundhog Day (another favorite holiday)?

I have exactly 3.5 hours to figure that out.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Powder Day!

Yee Haw! 4 months pregnant.
We made it!
Road was still closed when we headed out at 6:15am...opened 10 minutes before we got there at 7:30am!
Arrived at the Village at 8:50am - perfect timing!
They reported 11"...but it was more like 6". Who cares? It was fresh and I was giggly.
All the easy to access stuff was skied off pretty quickly, so spent the majority of the day in the trees.
It was so peaceful and exhilarating. I couldn't get enough.
Had to stop around 3:00pm, legs were getting tired and turns were becoming hard to force.
Trying to abide by that 'ol fine line between doing it and overdoing it. For Sprout's sake, I packed it in.

Nothing quite like the feeling of sitting in front of the fire after being powder day sore and exhausted.
Fabulous final run for the season. Already can't wait till 2013!!!!

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Depressed. Majorly depressed... although doing wee bit better now than earlier today.

See...it turns out I played my cards right, after all. Had my bags packed and my snowboards ready. Blustery day (again) here in Wyoming, which meant a powder day for certain tomorrow.  Checked the road conditions and hopped in the shower. Was destined for Victor, ID where I'd be spending the night with my good buddy Mungbean. Violet Vixen was coming with me. Had dinner prepped and packaged in a couple of containers. We were gonna have a feast tonight and enjoy my first powder day in 2 years tomorrow. I was so flippin' stoked. Got out of the shower and threw my contact case and toothbrush in my bag. Logged on to Wyoming Road conditions one last time.
Today's Wyoming Travel Conditions...boooo!

GULP! DOUBLE GULP! Where it had said "No Unnecessary Travel" before (which I felt my journey was more than necessary), it now read "ROAD CLOSED". My heart sank - it is still pretty sunk.

I'm right on the edge of the window that will surely close before the next powder day comes along. We will be in Florida the next two weekends, then I'm off to Colorado for work the next weekend...so by the end of March, i'll be too far along in my pregnancy to take true advantage of floating through the bottomless snow with an ear to ear grin.

I think Daddio was truly sad for me. He knows.
A. how much i was looking forward to a mini vacation with my peeps
B. how much i LOVE to spend the day on a snowboard and
C. what a powder day means.

He asked what I'd like to do tonight instead. I replied "What I'd really like to do is drink several beers or a bottle of wine and eat gross fatty food smothered in cheese" That's the level of depression I was suffering from.

Instead, we got out of the house and went to dinner. I had a spicy tuna roll and club soda instead of a towering plate of nachos and a super-sized beer. I must say the results were probably the same. I felt a bit better.

Especially because there is now Plan B. If the roads are open at 6am, Violet Vixen and I are still headed over for a day on the mountain.

I'm going to bed tonight with my fingers crossed and a lucky rabbit's foot under my pillow.

Blue Skies

What a difference the blue sky makes. I know that is one of the top five reasons I have for living here. When we go a good long stretch without the blue sky poking through the gloomy, dreary clouds it can feel like eternity. Especially when the wind is ripping like mad.

This whole week that Daddio was outta town - it was that bleh sky with the razza-ma-frazza-ma wind. We got out to do stuff, but it was not terribly terrific to spend a great deal of time out there!

Today erased it all away! It was cold, of course, and the wind was blowing, of course...but the blue sky has a way of lifting my spirit simply by looking at it.

Went over for a hang and Jeopardy! Watched the two final games of College Tournament. Took me right back to the days of my college tournament try-outs in Chapel Hill. In a lecture hall full of UNCers and Dukies...there sat little 'ol me. I had no idea what to expect...but I was pleasantly surprised and proud of my performance. Out of 50 questions, I missed 6. Not enough to move on to the next level, but enough to walk outta there with my chin up. I vowed I'd be back someday...they said you have a much better chance when you try out for regular 'ol Jeopardy! since they take so many more contestants. Feel like that window has already shut...but I sure love the 20 minutes of my days that are devoted to playing Jeopardy with Frank. It is a fabulous practice of association and rapid recall, neither of which I get in my ordinary life.

Daddio and Crit about to top out on Nellie's Knoll
Mount Mickle
Critter never actually napped today. When I got back from Frank's, I asked Daddio if he wanted to stroll up Nellie's Knoll with us. I asked him to carry Critter...mostly cause I didn't want to worry about carrying her back down. We ended up pressing on once we submitted the Knoll since the wind was rather outrageous. We proceeded up to Mount Mickle (formerly known as Jim's Jetty). The burst of sunshine, blue sky, and fresh blowing air set the entire day on an elevated track.

Once we returned, Daddio headed off to Happy Hour and I stayed home with Critter to have a woodstove stretch and make Lemon Pound cake muffins for Weaver's birthday.

Shoulders and traps are SORE!!!!! The combination of push-ups and Thursday night's climbing wall session really did me in.  Gotta be getting stronger though I reckon. Just gotta be.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

'Ol Fashioned Push-Ups

Today is a brilliant reminder of why there are less than 1,000 who dare to inhabit this town. It was RUTHLESS out there! The first day in as long as I can remember that I did not mind not getting to spend time outside. If there is any furniture remaining on the front porch tomorrow, it will be nothing short of miraculous.

Been thinking an awful lot about my default level of fitness - cause that is a decision you make. Many moons ago I decided my default level was being able to run a 10K at the drop of a hat - a hilly one. If an amiga rang me up on a Thursday and said "Yo - there's this super sweet trail-run race on Saturday that I forgot to tell you about", I'd be in. I am far from that at the moment. I could certainly pull off a 5K, but that might not even be terribly pleasant.

Sometimes I'd train for more, but I'd never fall below that.
Yet here I am. I get...I just had a baby and am in the process of incubating another...but criminy - should I be that far off the mark?

You know who has a stellar default level? That Michele Obama. She busted out 25 push ups the other day on television! Not that I saw it on the 'ol tele...but I caught it on facebook and I must say I was impressed. I used to bust out 20 push-ups no sweat. Even as little as 3 years ago...before the dreaded roto-tiller incident.

So...as I was watching the soaps, twiddling my thumbs, and eating bon-bons (that's what full-time working stay-at-home madre's do all day) today, I wondered what I'd do for exercise since taking Critter outside was definitely not an option.

When I went to do my first set of push ups, I got confused. It had been a while since I've tried. I couldn't remember where I was really supposed to place my hands. I have been practicing yoga for close to 5 years and all I knew to do was lower down into chaturanga dandasana and back up. I feel like that may be a tad more difficult than a regular push-up...but llike I said, I could not remember what a legitimate push-up should look or feel like (yes - i do have a masters degree in physical education). I tried a variety of methods throughout the day: wide armed, thumbs touching, boobs to the ground, elbows just to 90 degrees, triangle fingers... they were all challenging to say the least. I never got more than 7 done in a set. Seriously? Seven? Word. La Madre has her work cut out.

I wanna be a bad ass like Michele Obama. Drop and give me 20! Okey doke.

I also want to be better at "using stupid systems" and putting my stuff away in places that I might know were to find them. I have been on this planet for 35 years, and I NEVER find my debit card, money, glasses, contacts, sunglasses, or hat on the first try - and those are the things I use EVERYDAY! I spend close to an hour of each day looking for my shit.

Daddio calls me out on it all the time - but not in a kind, helpful way - he's actually quite mean - and therefore it drives me nuts.

Watch your back M. Obama!
So....I have a plan.  When I leave my daily items in places where they should not belong, Daddio will scoop them up and store them in a secret, undisclosed location. In order to get each item back, I have to do 10 push-ups. If today's practice session means anything...I have a way to go before I can reclaim my items.

It's a win-win. Daddio won't have to say a word, so I won't want to punch him in the face for being mean. I will develop a new awareness of my belongings. And, on the road to getting there, I will train to beat that bitch Obama in an arm wrestling match.

Love a win-win.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Aligned Stars

La Madre showed up today.
She is one rad bitch.

This is how she planned the day:
Wake up just before daybreak.
Let the doggles out.
Turn tea kettle on.
Start the fire in the woodstove.
Make a bottle for Critter.
Check emails and NY Times headlines.
Creep in to get the Critter.
Get welcomed with giggles and hugs
Chill with Crit while we watched the sunrise.
Headed to coffee shop to see our friends.
Had a cup of decaf while Critter got passed around - more giggles
Came home to mush up bananas and feed Critter
Eat several varieties of citrus fruits
Citrus Galore...thanks Bountiful Baskets!!!
Critter naps - La Madre works
Hired two peeps
Checked a bunch off the list
Had the soup and cornbread for lunch (third meal in a row)
Crit wakes up.
Head into town.
Drive out Horse Creek to see where we can ski
Get stuck in snow drift.
Get unstuck
More giggles - not grumpy at all
Head back to town.
Crawl around a bit with Crit
She heads back to bed
Citrus galore...again 
Several more phone calls and work wrap up
Over to Frank's for hang and Jeopardy!
Pack up Critter's stuff - off to Joe and Cza Cza's
Left Critter with Joe and  took off for yoga
Forearm Stand - first one since the beginning of first pregnancy
Back to Joe and Cza Cza's for scrumptious dinner
Home to put Critter right to bed.
Watched a movie

What a day.
Energy a it closer to being back to normal
Less nauseous all day
Overall rather pleasant.

Did see a girl running this evening and wished it were me

Jackson Hole is supposed to be getting dumped on the next couple of days. If I play my cards right, I think I'll head over to the Village on Saturday for one last go of it!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Wishing for a Tub

I made a solemn vow that I would not become pregnant again until we either got the hot tub up and running, or installed a tub in our house.

We have two showers. I hated them both. Two years ago, I ripped out the shower in our bedroom because it was desperate for an upgrade, and I wanted to learn how to tile. While it was out of commission for over a year, we used the shower in the other bathroom. Of course, the lights in that bathroom did not work. It turned out to be rather incredible though. We had this candle-tree thing that we got as a wedding gift.

Last winter, I watched myself grow by candlelight in the shower. It became a rather luxurious moment of my days. It certainly grew cramped in there. By April, if I dropped something, I had to do without. It was no soak in a hot tub - but I think about that winter with great fondness for the time spent in that shower.

Framed and Wonderboarded
On my weekends, I worked on the other shower. Daddio helped me sometimes, but I did a lot of the work when he was out of town. I had a friend help me with the demolition, another friend help me with the framing and tile prep, and pouring the concrete floor, had another friend help me hang the door, Uncle Jeffro hung the mirror...but Daddio helped me once it was time to tile. We do not work well on projects together. We have two completely different visions. He does not understand why I make things so complicated, I do not understand why you wouldn't do something awesome if you are going to bother doing it at all. By the end, we each had our roles. He mixed the mortar, hauled buckets of fresh water, cut the tiles, and grouted the floor. I laid the tiles, marked them for cutting, and grouted the walls. He was the plumber on the job - I was the mason. We had to work through many uncomfortable moments and awkward arguments (I say awkward because we don't argue much, so it seems weird when we do - we haven't learned the best way to argue with each other yet). But we finished it - together.
One of the walls...never quite transferred the exact same way

Laying out the floor tiles
Took my first shower in it the week before Critter was due (month before she actually did). I absolutely LOVE it! Of course it is not completely complete. Still have some trim work to do...but I simply enjoy my time showering in there. I love just getting lost staring at the slate tiles. They are all so colorful and different and incredible. The space is perfect. There is a bench - so when I'm 7 months along this time, I'll still be able to shave my legs! Critter's blow-up tub fits perfectly on the floor. It really is a masterpiece.
Perfect little fit

Attempting to lay out wall tiles...
Today was another day in a string of many that did not play out as hoped. Took Critter out for a stroll, but the wind was outrageous. We made it as far as the barbed wire fence, and turned around. Outside and fresh air...but not exactly exercise. Went for a hang and a Jeopardy, but spent the majority of the day cooped up with Critter and the doggles.

I gave Crit a bath in the sink after dinner. She headed off to bed not too long after that. I knew I hadn't quite hit my balance mark for the day, so wondered what I could do for myself....boy I wished I had that bathtub or hot tub! I decided instead to take the 'ol candle tree into my bathroom and have myself an old fashioned pregnancy shower. It was rather fabulous. Stayed in there until the hot water turned cold. Delightful. Once I was out, I coated myself with this oil that my buddy Mungbean gave me last winter. The smell of it immediately took me back and I was flooded with waves of memories of that special and wonderfully unique time.
Such a camera cheeser

Critter has still been on the inside longer than she's been on the outside. Hard to fathom that. Feel like it is going to take FOREVER before I get to meet Sprout on the outside. But tonight I'm grateful for that. I'm grateful for the time Sprout and I will spend alone together before sharing with the rest of the universe.  The memories I have of Critter's time on the inside are rather intense and personal...I look forward to devoting the same time and awareness to Sprout.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

La Madre y Muneca

I relish the days when 'ol Daddio goes out of town to work or to hunt. I love it. I love living alone. I love every minute of it.

I feel so refreshed and renewed after a couple days flying solo. I usually get some projects done, paint a little, eat extremely well, exercise a ton, write some, catch up on phone calls, clean the place impecabely, drink too much wine, sleep great, listen to music Daddio doesn't particularly care for...I basically live the life of my good old days when all I had to consider was my health and happiness.

Of course, I am super pysched when he comes back. I love living with him too. It is just a way different sort of living. I appreciate that my life still has both - a couple a weeks a year that it is just me, myself, and i.

But, those days have come and gone. Daddio still goes on his trips, but now I fly duo.

La Madre y Muneca.
Partners in Happiness

It has been since September that Critter and I were on our own. Things sure were a bit different then. She slept a ton and I did not have to think twice about plunking her down somewhere and walking away. Now she's a mobile little bugger. Never stops. Crawl, scoot, and babble - repeat. I think this run of it will be a tad different, but I'm still stoked.

It'll be great for us to spend the week together. I know that I'll be challenged. I already get frustrated with how much I have to do, and how little practical time and space I have to get it all done. I've already let that go for this week. I tried valiently to double-down on my work last week cause I know how impossible it will be for me to accomplish much while Critter is awake. Because I've let it go, I hope to be able to just spend the time with her happily, without feeling the weight of something hanging over me.

Good times ahead for little Critter and me this week!

I bet Daddio that I'd have the recycling bins (that I've been talking about for at least 2 years) built by the time he returns. La Madre LOVES competition. Having something on the line will  sure help her knock it out. She's pumped too. It's been a while since she's had a good project to work on. Last major one was the shower I reckon. And that took quite a while...in fact, it is still not exactly finished...still needs some trim work and some finishing touches....but it sure is LOVELY to shower in it!

Looking forward to the week "alone".

Friday, February 17, 2012

Nelly's Knoll

Everyone should be so lucky to have Nelly's Knoll in her backyard.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fine Lines

I'm not terribly good at anything divided by a fine line. When I was a kid, it was the fine line between "being myself" and being obnoxious. When injured, the fine line between recovery and over-doing it.  In relationships, the fine line between taking care of myself and being selfish. The fine line between being honest, and being ruthless. The fine line between idealistic and impractical. The fine line between being committed to a cause and being overzealous.  The fine line between helping and enabling...

Right now there are two fine lines that are driving me batty and I just want to snap them! One being the line between being "sweet to myself" and not beating myself up for all the things that go undone, and holding myself accountable to a set of realistic standards and expectations that are part of the life of my dreams.

La Madre will be back here again someday
  I want my regular level of fitness back. I know that it is attainable. I know how terrific I feel when I am at my default level for optimal life performance. I know that women all over the universe are fit and healthy while pregnant and with children.  I was fit and healthy during my first pregnancy...it was only after the miserable birth experience that 35 years worth of core development was severed in less than 30 seconds. In the six months I had before learning I was pregnant again, I did not get it back. I got close. I was able to run and hike and bike and practice yoga and take a spinning class and march up steep hills and ski and carry Critter everywhere I went. But I was doing all those things in some strange foreign body that never quite fit. Now I'm in an even stranger new body that i am not totally in love with. It is not a vain thing I don't think. It is not about the way it looks. It is about how it feels. I'm still doing all those activities, but I never really feel great. I'm sore and achy and some body part or other seems to be bothering me at all times. I cannot remember the last time I felt truly great inside this "temple" of mine. I came back to Wyoming with what I thought were realistic goals. I thought I'd find the way to have moderate to vigorous activity everyday. Thought I'd get up early and go for a ski at least three days a week. Thought I'd be riding my bike to town to check the mail at the post office. Thought I'd be taking work breaks and sprinting up Nelly's Knoll. Thought I'd be feeling stronger and fitter each day.  But it hasn't happened that way. Most days don't play out the way I hope.

 I can list off a bazillion reasons and excuses for why those things aren't happening...and I can be "sweet to myself" and not hyper-focus negativity on not living up to my own expectations. Or I can get my act together and live the life I dream of. It is a very agonizing fine line.

My bike will be one of my little training partners
When I was not able to exercise at all for six weeks after Critter was born, I thought I was going to lose my marbles. It is the only real (or healthy) way I know to manage stress...and life was certainly a tad more stressful in those six weeks than it ever had been before. EVERYONE said "it is only 6 weeks" "it'll go by fast" "you won't even remember that this happened" "oh, but isn't she worth it".  Time never felt like it moved more slowly. I could not wait. I know that everyone's advise was well intentioned - but I wanted to just kick them in the face. Of course she was worth it...but that did not change how I felt without moving my body in some vigorous manner for 6 whole weeks! When the day finally came, I hopped on my bike, and Daddio gave me a 2-hour start. I rode out Horse Creek Road to the forest boundary - uphill the whole way. When Daddio finally reached me I stashed my bike in the bushes and rode out to Double Cabins with him and Critter (and his parents) in the car. I was so whooped that when we got back to my bike later in the afternoon, I had to just throw it in the car  'cause I couldn't even ride it back to the cabin downhill the whole way! I FELT GREAT!!!

I don't want to let myself off the hook for not following through with the goals that I set for myself. I do take the time to reflect on all the things that I HAVE done - and there has been plenty. Probably still doing more than most pregnant peeps out there. But that is not the standard I hold myself to. What I need is La Madre's help. Writing about it each day is supposed to help.

My super hero friends will be my other little training partners.

 I went to yoga class this evening. And all I could think about is all the exercise I haven't done. I need to come to terms with this line. And I will. And perhaps once I do, it will help me deal with the fine line between knowing that it won't always be this way - looking forward to the future and yet being completely present in the moment.

Monday, February 13, 2012

A Birthday Eve

Took Critter on an afternoon stroll behind the house today with Daddio and doggles. Was one of the rare Dubois days without the whistling wind.

Today is Daddio's Birthday Eve - which i always like to celebrate with a tad more excitement than is probably necessary. Birthday Eve's are terrific.  Right at the brink of celebrating another tour around the sun. Thinking about how grateful you are to have been born. Thinking about all the places and with all the people you have ever celebrated your birthday. Since birthdays should always be a wee bit longer than they are (except when you have the great fortune of a birthday falling on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday) it is critical to extend into Birthday eve to truly kick-off the party.

Made a Peanut Butter Pie. Today was my 6th attempt at making a Peanut Butter Pie for Daddio's birthday. I've never used the same recipe twice (who are we kidding...I haven't actually followed a recipe yet - or ever). None of them have been too stellar. Yet, Daddio insists it is what he wants me to make for his birthday. This time was no exception. Thought I had the bomb-diggity pie. Pretzel crust with a layer of melted chocolate and then a peanut butter pudding filling. Well, I never made it past the crust. The recipe called for vegan margarine. i don't even understand how a product like that exists. Apparently, however, it measures differently than straight up butter. We'll see how it goes, I reckon.

Still recovering from WING NIGHT last night. Held the event at our homestead. Six different wing varieties were represented. It was a fabulous effort by all. When you live in a town without chicken wings, you can find yourself occassionally depressed - especially if you are pregnant. Wings are my guiltiest pleasure. For shizzle. Even in the days when I ate no other meat...I craved wings and splurged every once and a bit. In all actuality, I find everything about eating chicken wings completely repulsive. But, it does not stop me from tackling some crispy hot ones when the moments present themselves.

Daddio is taking the day off tomorrow - going for a hike. Critter and I are on our own. We'll get a little taste of what next week will be like with no Daddio, a full-time job, pregnant, with infant, and major daily need for fresh-air activities. critter has yet to grow a pearly white...my money is on the day that Daddio's flight takes off.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Lousy Quadratic Equations

Wyoming Winter - so lucky
La Madre started this post to hold me accountable to living out my dreams. 
I dream of the ideal balance. I'm on a constant quest to find it.

Just when it seems within my reach, and I can feel it when I stretch to my tippy-toes...the variables shift and change. I'm left like a lump of a quadratic equation problem that I left as unfinished homework because it seemed to keep changing and I lost interest in keeping up with it.

I do that.
Or I did that.

Leave assignments undone when I thought they were stupid time wasters. Solving quadratic equations was something I never wanted to “master”. I was happy to achieve a level of competence, and spend the rest of my time doing something that felt important to me.  Or changed the assignment just enough so that it matched my vision.

If it matched my vision, I could go to town! 4.0 work yo...that's how I roll.
 Hook me up with a team committed to the same - boo ya! Look out States - Here We Come! 

However, if it were just for the sake of doing it, and I had no stake...might as well be that forlorn little equation peering up through 7-layers of eraser smudges only to be deserted and abandoned. 

I often wondered why there was a category on elementary school report cards for “MAKES GOOD USE OF TIME”.  never got its relevance. I did think it was weird to think that someone was assessing that, spying on me when I was done with all the things I had to do. In what I thought was “my time”.  Actually, if anything, it made me use my time even more judiciously once I thought someone may be paying attention to how I chose to spend it.

I always scored high on MAKES GOOD USE OF TIME, not just competency, MASTERY.

It’s how I know that I’ll get this balanced.

And I will. La Madre is doing her part. Daddio is doing his part to. We’re getting worked out. 

Since returning from the east in Mid-January I have:

had the great fortune to snowshoe up some steep hills and mountains with some incredible friends. Snowboard for 2-days at Teton Village. Cross-country ski on several occasions, alone, with Birch, and with Daddio and Critter (and always with Sprout). Gone to yoga class at least once per week. Developed more of a home yoga practice for when I’m home alone and Critter is napping. Hung almost daily from an inversion table. Gone for several strolls up and down the hills in the BadLands. I’ve been on both bikes too – just neighborhood trips, but pedaling around a little bit.

had a terrific visit with friends who-knew-me-then.  Cooked some perfect meals, ate  them with friends, and Critter joined us at the table too. Gave up caffeine. Watched Jeopardy almost daily (thanks, Frank!) Received some Bountiful Baskets. Had WinterFest. Seen some beautiful winter sunrises. Chilled in bed with Birch. Watched a ton of Burn Notice (who saw that coming!) Read a book (thanks, Judy!)

watched Critter learn to crawl. Crept in to Critter’s room each morning to be received with flapping arms and legs. Carried Critter up Two-Ocean, carried Critter X-Country skiing, carried Critter round town. Mushed up Critter’s food with the Ninja and stored it in the Baby Bullet (thanks, Mooch!). Read Critter some books with Daddio every night, and laid her on her sheepskin.

had the new experience of morning sickness...that often lasts throughout the day. Had extreme fatigue and slept much longer than usual. Saw Sprout with Critter and Daddio on the little monitor. Heard Sprout's heartbeat. Chose Sprout's Birthday.

talked with Daddio.  Lots to talk about these days.

nourished Sprout…who nourished me back.

Looking back on the month, I feel like I MADE GOOD USE OF TIME.

Today I did nothing physical. I’ll most likely have 30 minutes at least to stretch in front of the wood stove before Daddio returns from his hike. I went for  a really fantastic ski with all of Team Neidens yesterday…all six of us.  It was great fun. I look forward to more. I’m a tad sore today, so no huge deal that I did not get to go out. Heading out for an early am ski. On the new skis that have been sitting in my living room for over a week now and I haven’t tried them out yet (thanks, Weav!).
Initially I thought this was to help me to get my act together and follow through with my activities. I reckon its more just a way to help me process the variables to get the balance back in my reach again.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


            On a rather pleasant Wyoming summer day, I sat down with a dear friend after sharing a yoga practice outside on the grass with my 2-month old Critter. Thoughts kept recurring during my practice that the me that I thought I  was striving to be didn’t quite match up with the me that I actually was becoming. I guess that conflict had been silently pestering me for a couple of weeks.
            I rather earnestly asked my dear friend, as a way of simply introducing the discussion, “You know how you always have a Super-Hero alter ego?” She kind of swallowed a laugh and replied “No…I don’t.  But it makes perfect sense that you do. Where are you going with this?” I often forget to remember that not everyone in my universe approaches life or thinks the way that I do (despite my husband’s efforts to remind me). I was still troubled by my conflict though, and felt like I needed to talk it through. So I started from the top:
             Well, everyone has a super-hero alter ego…it is just a matter of identifying who she is and what she’s called. When I was a child, I thought you kept your super-hero for life. I mean it is not like Bruce Wayne or Peter Parker shopped around until they found the right title. As I grew in years and life experiences, I realized that kind of thinking isn’t real – that’s comic book stuff. What is real is the need to constantly check in with your super-hero self and make sure she is the hero that is serving you best. It took me till the end of graduate school to learn that.  I was tightly hanging on to my childhood alter-ego (who is so near and dear to me that I have never shared her name with anyone – she really truly got me through elementary school, middle school, high school, and college). As I was getting ready to leave South Carolina yet again, I realized I needed someone else to take me forward. It was not an ugly break-up. In fact, it was not contentious at all. Parting ways with the super-hero that I had since I started wearing glasses in the second grade was healthy and positive. I was like a hermit crab looking for a new shell. I have had three extremely awesome and incredible alter egos since initially sticking my neck out.
             It was MadFaith who helped me to transition from school life in Columbia to making pizzas with my new not-quite-yet-paid-for-degree in Boulder.  MadFaith marched me outside and led me up into the foothills trails on the days I had to pay my bills. MadFaith hopped on my skateboard and rode it from Marine Street down the 9th Street hill to Canyon and on to work. MadFaith helped me take a job I did not love at a school I did not love and reminded me to always “play for the king”. MadFaith showed up at rugby practice after vowing to never play again. MadFaith sat me in front of the internet and searched for jobs that matched my real interests.  MadFaith packed up the ’89 Oldsmobile, covered the holes in the exhaust pipe with pop can patches, drove through the feed lot lands of Kansas, and landed in Western North Carolina. MadFaith lived on the verge of reckless abandon. MadFaith loved every minute of every day and did not let making minimum wage with a graduate degree dampen her spirit a bit.  MadFaith sat silently on a picnic table bench during staff training and knew her end had come.  MadFaith was the perfect transitionary hero for me. MadFaith remains with me and I still call her to hang out on very specific occasions.

            It was Ultra-Violet that emerged shortly after the staff training ended.  I always pictured it happening much like the birth of Athena.  MadFaith bent down to take a final bow, her head split open and out marched Ultra-Violet.  Ultra-Violet was inside all along waiting for her turn, she needed MadFaith to get her to the right place before she could step on the stage.  Ultra-Violet was shining from the start.  She was spunky, zesty, and cheerful.  Her energy knew no bounds.  She derived her powers from breathing outside, being active, and helping others live on the bright side of life.  In her first year, she spent 200+ nights sleeping under the stars.  She traveled the country with groups of children and attempted to teach them the keys to happy living. Ultra-Violet could not believe her good fortune.  MadFaith allowed her to incubate and brew until the stars aligned perfectly for her to make her debut.  Ultra-Violet began accomplishing things I never thought possible for myself.  Ultra-Violet climbed the Grand Teton. Ultra-Violet hiked the Glacier Trail from Dubois to Pinedale and crossed glaciers with crampons and ice axes.  Ultra-Violet learned to shoot a rifle, then shot a deer – alone, by herself, with an old Russian sniper rifle with open sights.  Ultra-Violet rode her bike daily in grizzly bear country with bear spray in her water bottle holder.  Ultra-Violet raised a puppy.  Ultra-Violet accepted a full-time job with a company she believed in with all her Ultra-Violet heart.  Ultra-Violet bought a split-board and an avalanche transceiver and began skinning up mountains to ride back down them.  Ultra-Violet learned to surf, alone, in southern California. Ultra-Violet sprinted the Teton Crest Trail in 2 days with her good buddy The (original) Plum Fairy.  Ultra-Violet bought a cabin.  Ultra-Violet ran 5 miles at 14,000 ft when she summited Mt. Whitney, and accepted a wedding proposal when she was done. Ultra-Violet married a fella.  Ultra-Violet grew a garden – a beautiful, luscious, bountiful garden.  Ultra-Violet began to practice yoga.  Ultra-Violet trained for a half-marathon and actually began running fast!  Ultra-Violet rode her bike from Steamboat Springs to Estes Park in September – alone, through a blizzard with 0 visibility on Trail Ridge Road in Rocky Mountain National Park.  As MadFaith who went before her, Ultra-Violet loved every minute of every day.  It wasn’t always sunshine and moonbeams though. Ultra-Violet had to fight several battles.  Although she always emerged triumphant, there were some that left her battered and bruised.  As my career morphed into one that was more indoors than outdoors, more sedentary than active, and more on computers than with people, Ultra-Violet began to shrink and wither.  She continues to make appearances now and then, when the conditions are right…but those times seem to be growing further and further apart.  The transition from Ultra-Violet was not handled with a modicum of grace that MadFaith had.
            I was aware of what was happening to UV, but life continued to move in that direction, and despite my efforts at balancing it, I lost control – and lost UV.  There was a period of time as UV was fading away that I felt like each of my days was like playing Whack-A-Mole. Things came up, I whacked ‘em down, only to see something different pop up somewhere else. It is a frustrating game – but you can get good at it.  I was competent – but unhappy.  I did not like being without a super-hero one bit! I am a mere mortal. I am incapable of accomplishing the greatest things without an alter-ego.  I decided during the Whack-a-Mole phase that I blatantly lacked grace.  I determined that the super-hero I was to be next was “Liquid Motion”. I thought it was what Ultra-Violet set me up for. I thought I’d move gracefully from one mole to the next. Instead of whacking them with force, I’d gently step on them and balance for a while until my understanding and compassion urged them to gently recede. I tried to hang with Liquid Motion for over a year, but we just never really connected.  I knew that a big part of the problem was that I forced Liquid Motion. She didn’t present herself to me like the others had – I tried to create her. Big Mistake. I wouldn’t let go though. I want to develop grace so badly – I have very little you see and it bothered me that Liquid Motion wanted nothing to do with me.  We were at odds. My alter-ego was my nemesis.
            Then I learned that I was pregnant. I called on Liquid Motion. I thought I needed her to get through the pregnancy, and certainly once I had a newborn on my hands. She continued to disappoint me though.  She actually made me live through the 43 (that’s right – 43!) weeks of pregnancy on my own. I did okay – although I had a bit too much ice cream it turns out.  Like I mentioned though, I don’t like flying solo – I REALLY LIKE having a super-hero up my sleeveless-hoodie-cape. Critter was born and I was still on my own. Still making it happen, but really missing my other identity.  MadFaith came to visit from time to time (always at the exact right time of course) – and that helped. Ultra-Violet showed up when I gave her the right conditions (a long bike ride, a run in the badlands, a sunrise hike…) But Liquid Motion was nowhere around.  It bummed me out for a while. 
            Then one day it all became clear.  I’ve always known that I’m going to be at my prime at 62. Not that I’ll hit a steep drop off after that – but I’m pretty certain that’ll be my peak. Who am I to ask Liquid Motion to be with me now?  I reckon if you are not born with it, it takes a lifetime to develop grace.  Perhaps Liquid Motion will hang out with me when I’m 62. I stopped longing for her and feeling so rejected.  At the same instant I let that go; it occurred to me that my newest and most incredible super hero alter-ego was hugging me tightly.  La Madre.  She is so incredibly cool!
            La Madre did not pop out of anyone’s head and simple appear on the scene.  La Madre grew slowly and silently.  La Madre has an understanding of things that I cannot fathom.  Her patience runs deeper than the darkest crevasse I have ever stepped over.  La Madre knows selflessness (pretty HUGE help for me these days). She is able to see a bigger picture than my narrow mind can grasp.  When I’m discouraged and grumpy about my current level of fitness or time spent outside, she gently squeezes me and whispers reminders about all the wonderful things there are to balance now, and everything will get its fair share. La Madre is as tough as she is gentle.  Ultra-Violet fought the battles and learned to stand up for herself and persevere – La Madre wears the scars.  She has learned the lessons of those that have gone before her, and stands with confidence and pride.  If I saw her in a line-up of super heros 10 years ago, I never-in-a-million-years would have picked her as one for me. I’m sure I would have thought she looked super-cool and way bad-ass, but I just would have never figured we’d be a match for each other. But here we are, together, right now.  How great my fortune has been for my path to have crossed with hers. 
            You see, I need one. A super hero. Without them, I am just ordinary. I can only get so far and then I hit the wall or crash or fizzle.  My super heros have accomplished so many great things.  I can dream my life, but they are the ones who help me to live my dreams.  They are my dream me. They don’t see the limits. They have confidence only available to super heros.  I don’t even wish I could do it on my own. I love having them around. I love giving them the credit they deserve. I love knowing that although I’m slightly terrified of having Sprout just 15 short months after Critter, that La Madre will take care of it and be smiling and happy all the while – it is what she was meant for. And I know that she will take care of me too – and Daddio, and my career, and my future. 
La Madre taking Critter up Two Ocean Mountain
            La Madre made this blog thing happen.  She decided that if I am sincere in my commitment to fitness and health during this pregnancy, that I need an outside way to be held accountable.  Isn’t she brilliant? Me – I’m frightened of the whole thing. I’m not a writer. Who will be interested in what I have to say. She believes it is not important who reads it – it is only important that it exists…that I remain healthy and happy as I take on a few more plates to spin.  I love her, and I’m thrilled that she’s with me for what I believe will be a good long while.  La Madre will certainly help me develop the grace that someday Liquid Motion will refine. But I am in no rush to get there.