Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ladies Flying Duo

 Madre y Muneca are at it again!

Daddio took off yesterday for his annual Turkey-Hunt-Vision-Quest and we have the run of the place for at least a week!

Working into our rhythm, but so far so great. 

Yesterday afternoon we got a swing, slide, and merry-go-round session in at the park. Then a hang and Jeopardy!. A brisk stroll on the 'ol Incubating Loop in the Badlands (with Critter Ergoed onto my back), then Critter napped while I got a good hour plus yoga home yoga session in! Cooked up a fabulous dinner and chilled.

Today brought us a semi-productive work day, helped Jorge purchase his flight to NC, made a juice, time at The Parlour with Cza Cza, Sara, and Brit, mailing off a package that I've been putting off since I got back in January, a hang and Jeopardy! Skipped the stroll today (windy and snowing - day off), Critter napped and another fabulous yoga session at home. Then off to dinner at Frank's with Jorge.

Spent the past hour looking into how to begin my new business and how to make a website. Turns out there is so much out there that I just have no concept. I don't know what I don't know. Lucky for me, I happen to know some incredible chics who have walked this road before me, I'm thrilled to walk in their footsteps!

In fact, Tara gave me some homework today and it is due rather quickly! I started looking into it and got overwhelmed. I think it is rather difficult to come up with a name for something until it is fully developed - Betty Laiken was a game day decision.  It prevented me from starting this blog for a while. When I finally would come up with something I could live with, it turned out to be already taken! It is a major roadblock for me, cause apparently it needs to come first.

New business is two-fold, ADHD Coaching (focus on adolescents and college students) and Outdoor Personal Training. I don't know if I'd ever be able to muster up a client in this town for the Outdoor Fitness side of things, but if i could, it would be off-the-hook! I have grand plans if it ever makes it off the ground.

Outside more than inside, active more than sedentary, with people more than with tasks.

Suddenly, but slowly and surely, my path is realigned with the destination I dream of.

Looking forward to the "alone" time with my little Muneca!

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